Wednesday, March 29, 2017
Friday, March 10, 2017
Final Post- Dr.Rogers
After 24 hours of skyping people non-stop from around the world, we were tired! There was one last stop we needed to make though. FloMo9, Briar Hill, and our own team all summed up our journey with Dr.Rogers, our superintendent. As we listened to what the other teams had to say, we realized that they had a very similar experience to ours. We learned a lot of new facts, and talking to them made us feel like this was worth every second of this and more! We were amazed by the amount of people who applied to this Skypathon. We shared our favorite skypes such as Mexico, Indonesia, and South Korea. We really enjoyed talking to the other schools and people from around the world. We are looking forward to next year!
Mystery Skype #26 - Missouri
Onto one of our last ones... so excited!!! The mystery skyper is in the Northern hemisphere and they are in the United States of America. They live in Missouri!!!! They were a fifth grade class. ( almost our age ) The mascot for their school is the tigers!!! Missouri has a hockey team!!!!!! That's so cool!!!!!! The capital is Jefferson city! We showed our skyper a slide show about Lamar and Texas.
The climate in Missouri is kind of like ours!!!
The climate in Missouri is kind of like ours!!!
Skype#25- Poland
About to start the 25th skype!! We are in a call with Zuzanna Komorowska in Poland. We have found out that she is in the Northern part of Poland & is 5 minutes away from the Baltic Sea. Zuza especially likes the people in Poland for their welcoming and acceptive ways. The most popular food in Poland is Italian and Mexican food, but mostly pasta and meat. Coffee and ice cream are very popular and is a major profit for Poland. There are some salt mines in Poland and is attractive to many tourists. Zuza came to Flower Mound two years ago and she loved Fish City Grill and Buffalo Wild Wings. Now she is telling a story about Buffalo Wild Wings and her '' amazing '' experience. :) The main holidays are during the last days of June through August. During the school year they get one week off for Easter or Christmas. The weather over in Poland is always unpredictable and all over the place!! Some of Zuza's favorite hobbies are speaking different languages, all kinds of sports, guitar, hanging out with her friends, and so much more.
Skype #24 - Mexico City, Mexico
We are about to start the 24th Skype. The teacher's name is Kalinka. They are in Mexico City, Mexico. They are telling us about the Day of The Dead. They are now showing us all the types of tacos and how to make them. Can't wait for the next skype!
Skype #23 - Sicily, Italy
We are on skype number twenty three, in Sicily, Italy. The climate in Italy is more on the hot side. It rains some what often. There seasons are the same as us. There currency is called Euro. One Euro is a little bit more than a dollar. The main mode of transportation are buses, cars, and trains. Their government is Republican.
Skype #22- Elephant Sanctuary
It's our twenty-second Skype visiting an elephant sanctuary in Tennessee. A twenty year old elephant is a pretty young elephant. There are three spices of elephants. Back then anything that had a tusks, and were abnormally large. With all elephants they might all look alike, but they all act different. One of the tallest Savanna African elephant is thirteen feet tall. If an elephant is getting to hot the blood gets moved around and they would allow their body to release blood from the ears to cool down their body temperature. A difference between the Asian and African elephants, is that the female asian elephants don't have tusks. All three elephants are very distinct, the third elephant is the African Forest elephants. The human and elephants life are pretty similar. When a fifteen year old male elephants turn fifteen supposed to leave the pact.
About fifteen years ago it rained and rained, and soon many elephants moved to this sanctuary, where abused by their owner and moved to this sanctuary for a better life. In these sanctuaries many of the elephants have lot of room to roam around. In the sanctuary they have eleven elephants. The average life span of an average elephant is about seventy years.
About fifteen years ago it rained and rained, and soon many elephants moved to this sanctuary, where abused by their owner and moved to this sanctuary for a better life. In these sanctuaries many of the elephants have lot of room to roam around. In the sanctuary they have eleven elephants. The average life span of an average elephant is about seventy years.
Mystery Skype #21- Vaughan, Canada
Once again Lamar is off to another mystery challenge! By the looks of it, we are in a classroom. The children look about our age. One student just stated they are in the northern hemisphere. Another student just exclaimed they are in western hemisphere. Off to a great start we already found out where they lived, Canada! Now to find the city. A new student just informed they were near Toronto. Looking at the map, our team decides to ask if they are on the coast line, they aren't. Apparently, they aren't near a mountain range, however, they are near a lake. We now know they are North of Mississauga, a city we chose. They Canadians are getting close, guessing that we are near Plano. However we are catching up, guessing the correct high way that runs through their city. We guessed right! They live in Vaughan! They are still having trouble guessing our city by guessing all the ones surrounding it, including Lewisville. They guessed it right, Flower Mound! We are now sharing a little bit about us, our weather, our favorite foods, and about school. This has really been such a blast learning about our upper half!
Skype #17- Berlin, Germany
We are currently at Lauren's school in Berlin, Germany! Her campus is a K-12 school. In Germany it is very international. Many people from many parts of Europe go to visit or live in Germany. In the morning it's about in the 40s but in the afternoon it gets colder, down to about 30 degrees! Since it is so diverse place, people speak many different languages. Berlin is home to many museums.
The connection we had for this skype session was not a good one. We were only able to communicate for a few minutes. Hopefully we can reconnect at another time! Berlin looks quite interesting!
The connection we had for this skype session was not a good one. We were only able to communicate for a few minutes. Hopefully we can reconnect at another time! Berlin looks quite interesting!
Skype #16 - Kenya Field Trip
Field Trip to Kenya
Kenya has many cities and many parts of wildlife but we are here to learn more. The Job that we will learn about helps many Kenyan families know what to buy, how to live a healthy life ,what animal breeds to buy, and a lot more useful information that every family needs to know. They raise wildlife and make sure they are healthy for future families or meals. Many animals carry diseases so they decrease the amount of diseases caused in a year. Their organization has a line from pigs to bees. The MEDF farm helps a lot of people, like people with HIV, by showing the people how to live a healthier life. The MEDF change peoples lives through many different ways. They explained to us that the villagers usually have to walk three miles to get water. However, the MEDF farm is privileged and has a water containment in the ground that allows the farm to easily get water and give it to others who need it. The farm is very small with very few workers, but is a very successful farm and has changed many lives for the better.
Mystery Skype #15 - Boras, Sweden
5:30 am and we're off! They're in northern Europe? They're on the Baltic Sea! They're in Sweden!!!!
They guessed Texas and were greeted by the flying Texas banana! We shared our slideshow about Texas and they asked questions! We learned that soccer is their favorite sport, they like to hangout with friends after school and they eat meatballs.
These students are 17 years old. They had been studying gun ownership and asked if our students had guns in the house. It's Texas, so yes! We also discovered that we have more homework than they do!
Now it's time to rest and clean up before the pancake breakfast!
These students are 17 years old. They had been studying gun ownership and asked if our students had guns in the house. It's Texas, so yes! We also discovered that we have more homework than they do!
Now it's time to rest and clean up before the pancake breakfast!
Skype #14 - Holland
We spoke with Mrs. Loftin and her daughter in Holland. Ashlynn, the daughter, spoke to us in Dutch. We had to guess what she was saying.
Some fun facts she shared with us in the Dutch language:
-50% of the country is below sea level
-Dutch people has the tallest people in the world and they don't play basketball!
-86% of the people speak English as their second language.
-18 million bikes in this country
-Holland is known for liberals, windmills, tulips, cheese, and wooden shoes
Ashlynn then had some of her friends introduce themselves in their primary language. We heard Greek, Swedish, and Egyptian introductions.
Dutch eggs are not found in the refrigerator section AND they have FEATHERS on them!! YUMMY!! Europe doesn't believe in egg washing, so they do not need to be refrigerated!
Wooden shoes are hand made in Holland! So COOL! The climate in Holland is "rain, rain, rain!" it rains a lot and is cold. The only time that it gets warm is in the spring and it gets to 12 degrees celsius, or 53 degrees Fahrenheit.
Holland doesn't use one dollar bills, they use Euros.
Some fun facts she shared with us in the Dutch language:
-50% of the country is below sea level
-Dutch people has the tallest people in the world and they don't play basketball!
-86% of the people speak English as their second language.
-18 million bikes in this country
-Holland is known for liberals, windmills, tulips, cheese, and wooden shoes
Ashlynn then had some of her friends introduce themselves in their primary language. We heard Greek, Swedish, and Egyptian introductions.
Dutch eggs are not found in the refrigerator section AND they have FEATHERS on them!! YUMMY!! Europe doesn't believe in egg washing, so they do not need to be refrigerated!
Wooden shoes are hand made in Holland! So COOL! The climate in Holland is "rain, rain, rain!" it rains a lot and is cold. The only time that it gets warm is in the spring and it gets to 12 degrees celsius, or 53 degrees Fahrenheit.
Holland doesn't use one dollar bills, they use Euros.
Mystery Skype #14 - Turin, Italy
We are just now starting Skype number 14! Two students are coming up to answer our questions. They live in Europe! We can't hear anything because all the kids are talking in the background. They live in Turin, Italy. The main religion is Catholicism.
Skype #13 - Knottingham, England
One of our skypathoners brother is skyping us from England. He has been there since 2016 and he plans on working for the government. There is no Thanksgiving in England and you get government work days off such as royal wedding days. There is no Spring Break, but you get the whole month of April off for Easter. The accents are really different, if you go to the North part of England the accent is harsher and more accented tone and the Southern part of England has a softer and posh accent. The main mode of transportation is trains and walking because the gas price is a very high amount. The Trent Tower in England, by a local cafe, was used to store bombs in World War II. Nottingham Castle is a very popular, wealthy, fun-filled historical building. The most flavorful food in England is a curry with delicious and flavorful seasonings and taste. A few fun places to go to is Walton Hall, play soccer, go on a picnic, and so much more!
Skype #12- Kenya
We are now skyping a joyful friend of Coach Inwood. Where is she located you ask? Kenya! This woman is an audiologist, which specializes in hearing loss. Whether it's from lots of ear infections or being born with it, she can help them all, even children! Kenya is currently growing in this field and becoming more proactive. She normally sees people who have been infected with malaria that causes ear problems. They want to try to screen the children early enough to prevent them from living a different life. Apparently, health care is growing fast, there are hospitals in churches and missionaries. There are even private hospitals that are more like the ones here, but they are more expensive. Even without all of the high tech gear, she can give amazing care. In the hospitals that Kenya has, they don't really have appointments based on time, it is more of who shows up first. Where she works, she doesn't take a salary from the hospital, instead she gains money from her supporters and the organizations. Half of the doctors where she works are Kenyan and some Northern. There has recently been a doctor strike that is carried out by people who are employed by the government for three months now. Because of how dangerous mosquitos are, they require you to get a yellow fever shot before you visit Kenya.
In school, when you reach the secondary level in Kenya, you have to start paying for your education. The people in Kenya value education so much that they will sell off their belongings in order to send their kids to school. In fact due to the different people that end up teaching these children, kids end up speaking three different languages.
In school, when you reach the secondary level in Kenya, you have to start paying for your education. The people in Kenya value education so much that they will sell off their belongings in order to send their kids to school. In fact due to the different people that end up teaching these children, kids end up speaking three different languages.
Mystery Skype #11 - Taiwan
After many questions we finally figured out who we were talking to - Taiwan! We spoke with a 7th grade class. Then, we figured out the city, it was Kaohsiung! We asked each other questions about where we live. They eat rice and a lot of fruits. The kids at their school have to wear school uniforms and they were jealous that we don't have uniforms and get to wear pretty much what we like. Baseball is the most popular sport in Taiwan. Their climate is hot! It was really fun! The government is still undecided and in the process of finding their leader. Onto the 12th Skype!! Can't wait!
Skype #10 - Antarctica
We meet with Briarhill Middle School and Flower Mound High School. Our Skype session was with a scientist in Antarctica. The coldest temperature she has ever experienced is -46 c. Some people may make snow cones from the ice. Safety is there number 1 concern. They are doing testing for Mars. They have found things relating to Pangea. Not a lot of politics, no one has been born in Antartica. You have to take test to make sure you are well enough to endure Antarctica. As far as this daring scientist knows, marriage has never happened in Antarctica. It is 8:30 pm on Wednesday for them 1:30am on Friday our time. Deserted airplanes have been found in Antarctica. If you don't wear layers you will freeze.
Skype #9b - Alaska
We skyped Kaylee Hawes' aunt in Alaska, no one knew we where doing it. We called to ask about climate, culture, and economies. The climate is very cold there. Culture is mainly just like us but a little different at their school with a very low population. Their economy is made from ski resorts that they work at and tourism.
Thursday, March 9, 2017
Skype #9 - Belgium
In Belgium they speak dutch and french. They eat, drink beer, french fries and carnival. They like to dance in July and August. It is very cold, only 2 months of warm weather. They like to go to the North Sea. Their favorite sport is soccer. It is 6 am there, while it is midnight here. Their holidays are in July. They are catholic in Belgium. Her favorite place is in City Center. Brussels is capital of Belgium. The government has a prime minister. That is what we learned about Belgium.
Skype #8 - Indonesia
We are talking to Skype #8, Indonesia. The favorite sport their is badminton and football (soccer). The currency in Indonesia is ripe and weak compared to the United States currency. The main industry in Indonesia is based on oil and gas. The main population of Indonesia is Muslim and many Hindus are located in one general area. Every 5 years a new president gets elected by the people. Some hobbies are golf (rich). Indonesians are naturally talented musicians. The general rule and respect of the people are not supposed to say harsh words, always be pleasant, and nice. The Sanskrit words are strong in the Bahaman language. Many people are very religious, they pray five times a day. You are not supposed to touch anyone on the religious side. The most common transportation are buses. Some historical buildings are mainly palaces that were originally owned by the Dutch, many presidential museums. Chicken, rice, prawn, fish, meatballs are very common in Indonesia. Batik and hats for men and women will have a shawl on the upper part of the body and a definable Indian traditional dress. Ramadan... 40 day fasting. After Ramadan, citizens will go back to their families and the cities will be "extinct"!
Mystery Skype #7 - Finland
Our next new mystery Skype comes all the way from Finland! She lives near the Capital in Espoo. Finland is called the land of the "Midnight Sun". The sun is out most of the twenty four hours of the day. They have long winters which is why most of their sports are snow based sports like cross country skiing. They used to be a part of Sweden but only 5% speak Swedish while most speak Finnish. Finland is celebrating their 100th anniversary of freedom this year. But the population is small with only 5 million people in Finland which is odd compared to the 108,000 islands that Finland has. One big attraction in Finland is the Northern lights which our friend in Finland can drive not far to see them.
Mystery Skype #6 - Queensland, Australia
Another exciting mystery Skype! Right off the bat, Jace correctly guessed Australia. The city they live in is Queensland. It is 1:20 in the afternoon, and it is Friday (one day ahead of us). They start their school in January and ends in November. One of there favorite sports to play are Aussieball. Aussieball is a sport where you kick a ball through four poles and if you make it through you get points. It was almost impossible to guess where they live, because their town less than one thousand people. There town is Monto.
Mystery Skype #5 - Costa Rica
This Skype was a mystery Skype! We were asking questions to try to find were they lived. Our guest was from Costa Rica. We learnt a lot about Costa Rica. For example, they have rainforests and beaches. Soccer is their most popular sport. Most people here in Costa Rica are Catholic. Costa Ricans enjoy Gallo Pinto as breakfast, lunch, and dinner. They have a very humid, tropical climate. Costa Rica has a democratic government that is very similar to the States. They have a very big fruit industry. In Costa Rica, education is free and the vast majority of people speak English which attracts companies from around the world.
Gallo Pinto
Mystery Skype #3 - Japan
Our 3rd call is to Stephanie, from Japan.
Stephanie lives in Okinawa, on the Ryukyu Islands, in Japan, in Asia, in the north-western quadrant of the Earth, in the Milky Way Galaxy. Okinawa is relatively cold, and is very prone to Earthquakes. Even though they may have gloomy weather, their wildlife is still diverse. From Asian Black Bears to Monkeys, Japan's wildlife is blooming with diversity. Japanese culture never fails to disappoint, and their dress is very interesting and colorful:
Stephanie lives in Okinawa, on the Ryukyu Islands, in Japan, in Asia, in the north-western quadrant of the Earth, in the Milky Way Galaxy. Okinawa is relatively cold, and is very prone to Earthquakes. Even though they may have gloomy weather, their wildlife is still diverse. From Asian Black Bears to Monkeys, Japan's wildlife is blooming with diversity. Japanese culture never fails to disappoint, and their dress is very interesting and colorful:
Team Building - Time for a Break!
So far, the Skype-a-thon is GREAT! We just finished mystery skyping with a class from Sao
Paulo, Brazil and Bangor, Ireland. We just had a great team building session and played Mission Space in the dark with glow sticks and another amazing game... Glow in the Dark Ski Archery. The game was filled with laughter and teamwork. Can't wait for the next mystery Skype!

Paulo, Brazil and Bangor, Ireland. We just had a great team building session and played Mission Space in the dark with glow sticks and another amazing game... Glow in the Dark Ski Archery. The game was filled with laughter and teamwork. Can't wait for the next mystery Skype!

We are now on our SECOND mystery Skype! Our interview is now taking place in the South-Western Hemisphere. They live in South America and border Argentina. They also border Bolivia, but they do not border the coast. While we have been talking to them they have been slowly translating to each other what we are saying. We have just found out that they live in Brazil!!! We have also just now found out that they live in Sao Paulo They eat an assortment of foods such as: chicken with okra, fish and Pão de Queijo, which is a cheese bread. The climate in Brazil is very hot. It can get up to 33 degrees celsius which is 90 degrees Fahrenheit. The most common animal in Brazil are the kupabera.
Mystery Skype #1 - Ireland
Mystery Skype

Tuesday, March 7, 2017
We are so excited for this adventure! Mrs. Gordon and Mrs. Rhoades have been hard at work the last few weeks making food preparations, connecting with people worldwide and getting the students prepared! Be sure to follow us on Twitter @lamar6cw and #lmsworldwide
Special thanks to Briarhill MS, Trela Weesner & Rich Bleemel for helping us put this together and leading the way!
It's gonna be a fun ride!
Special thanks to Briarhill MS, Trela Weesner & Rich Bleemel for helping us put this together and leading the way!
It's gonna be a fun ride!
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