Friday, March 9, 2018

Mystery Skype - Nigeria

           After cleaning up the entire library, and walking the final lap in the empty school, sitting down to work on a skype suddenly seems like the best idea ever!  This mystery skype with Hammed Abdulazeez turned out to take place in Lagos, Nigeria near the Atlantic Coast. Hammed likes to watch football and taught us that the official language in Nigeria is actually English, but over 520 languages are spoken in just that country alone. Hammad has always been in Africa, but tomorrow he is flying to  Singapore. Amala is Hammad's favorite Nigerian food.  Hammed Abdulazeez shows his opinions, but also some facts on his home country of Nigeria.  It is 88 degrees Fahrenheit, and Hammad tells us that it rarely gets cold in Nigeria.


1 comment:

  1. Good Morning Skypeathon-elites. Hang in there your on the long stretch home.
