Thursday, February 28, 2019

DEA Skype #6

We are skyping with a DEA agent working in Mexico. In the 1980s, the United States learned that an abundance of illegal drugs were coming from Mexico, so they created the DEA to combat the drug dealing. Marijuana, methane, cocaine, and more drugs are smuggled across the border. To work in the DEA, you need a bachelors degree. There is a lot of risk with the job. This particular man spent 9 years working for the DEA, and 12 years on border patrol. In his opinion, he thinks the wall is a good idea in heavy trafficking areas. One of his scariest experiences was being shot at, and dealing with people with knives. A lot of the deaths come from drug dealers killing other drug dealers. He stays safe by not going in the bad part of town, and having an armored vehicle. He watches his surroundings, and has had a lot of training on how to stay safe. He has a lot of drug dealers in his home city of Ciudad Juarez, in Chihuahua, Mexico. He works to keep drugs out of schools. He enjoys parts of the border patrol, such as helping many people. His favorite flavor ice cream is Cookies and Cream, from Bluebell. In his free time, he hikes, goes to the gym, and watches movies. A piece of advice from him is to keep good friends and don't fall victim to drugs. Working in the DEA gives him different perspectives, and he sees people in all walks of life. He has eaten at the Cattleman Steakhouse. He has also eaten Rattlesnake, and they are "full of bones and taste like chicken". He says drugs are never any good, and they always cause problems.

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