Friday, March 1, 2019

Cannes, France Mystery Skype #14

Our fourteenth Skype of the day is another mystery Skype. They asked us if we lived in the southern hemisphere, and when we responded with the same question, both of our answers were no. Almost immediately, we guessed that they lived in France, both from their accents and clues.  They asked us next if we were bordered by the USA which although we tried not to smile, eventually gave us away as their next question was if we lived in the US. They revealed they were in Southern France and we told them where we lived was bordered by ocean. After more clues, we had narrowed it down to some cities in South Eastern France, that bordered the sea, and were more than 50 km from Lyon ( a large city in France ). We finally figured out that their closest city was Cannes, France. It's safe to say this skype was a success as we were able to have fun finding where they were, and give them clues about our location, as well as do a short conversation, asking some questions about their daily life and answering questions about our Skypathon. Needless to say this skype was lots of fun!

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